Accessibility Act


Cooptel invites you to provide feedback on any accessibility barriers you may have encountered while dealing with Cooptel or on how Cooptel is implementing its accessibility plan.

The Accessible Canada Act (ACC) defines a barrier as follows:

«  Anything – including one that is physical or architectural in nature, that relates to information, communications, behavior or technology, or that is the result of a policy or practice – that impairs the full and equal participation in society of people with disabilities including physical, intellectual, cognitive, mental or sensory, learning or communication disabilities or functional limitations. »

The person responsible for receiving observations at Cooptel is Ms. Mélanie Fortier, Director of Human Resources.

Observations can be general or specific, but providing more details, such as the date, title of the web page, application or activity concerned, may allow us to better understand your concerns.

You can submit your comments by:

The post office

Mélanie Fortier
Human Resources Director
5521, chemin de l’Aéroport
Valcourt (Québec)
J0E 2L0


450-532-5656 ou 1-888-532-2667
extension 1028
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)


Anonymous comments

If you provide us with your observations, you can provide your personal information and contact details, but you are not obliged to do so.

If you wish to submit your observations anonymously, the online form is the best way to do so. This way, we won’t see your contact information, such as a phone number or email address.

Acknowledgment of receipt of comments received

An automatic acknowledgment of receipt will be sent for comments received by email and through our online form. Observations provided by telephone involve direct interaction with the person in charge of receiving observations at Cooptel and, therefore, the employee will acknowledge receipt of the observation. For comments received by mail, if contact details are provided, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the address provided.

How will the observations be used?

Your observations will help Cooptel to continuously improve its accessibility efforts. Some observations may not require a direct response or immediate follow-up, while others may highlight issues that need to be addressed immediately.

However, all feedback received will help Cooptel develop its future accessibility plans and let us know how we are progressing towards our accessibility goals. Comments received will be taken into consideration when drafting our accessibility progress reports, published in the years between accessibility plans.