
Custom plans available!
Custom plans available!
Plans that fit your needs!
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Unlimited Internet
Plan from 15-5 and up to 1GB!
For a boundless use of your data!
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Combine your services
and save
More services for more incredible discounts!
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Efficient tailor-made business solutions

Our services

Cooptel offers a wide range of packages that can suit all types of users as well as all budgets. We offer you the possibility of combining your services with those of your choice.

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Cooptel – Best pick 2023 by Protégez-Vous

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À propos

Cooptel is a major telecommunications cooperative operating since 1944. With over 10,000 members, Cooptel strives to provide its members with the best possible service. Being very involved in its community, Cooptel is a homegrown cooperative that cares about the interests of its members.

Les avantages d'être membre
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